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 Post subject: Controls
PostPosted: Feb 7th, '15, 11:03 

Joined: Sep 28th, '12, 13:43
Posts: 43
HamMultiPlayer has many controls :

Main Interface :


Preview(s) : Where are displayed files scanned. (Left mouse click shows video in BigDisplay, Right Mouse click opens previews options).
BigDisplay : Where are displayed previews when (left) clicked.
TreeView :TreeView (where are displayed drives and directories). You have to select source(s) by clicking boxes.
ListView : Where are displayed files found after scanning (this is just a list display, not a tool like Window's Explorer). Few operations can be done using right mouse click...
HamCPU : Displays CPU activity (must be activated in preferences and can be set to Top or Bottom of screen).

Main Controls :


1°) Main Controls (Left to Right) :

Display Modes : (a very important feature) to switch between 4 HamMultiPlayer Modes (Default, Dual, ListView or FullWidth).
Multi-Display mode : Usefull if you've several monitors and wish to display thumbnails on another one. You can use a total of three monitors (one for main interface, one for thumbnails and one more for external player).
Wall Display : Lefts you create a wall using several previews.
Information : The first Window displaying Informations when starting HamMultiPlayer.
Get Additional Details : Once scan is complete, select this button to get additional details of all files.
Preferences : to configure HamMultiPlayer as you like.
Stop : Stops all previews (process), resets Interframe settings, etc... Click again and HamMultiPlayer reloads previews without special settings.
Minimize : Same as Window minimize.
Quit : Exit HamMultiPlayer closing any process.

2°) Page selector (HamMultiPlayer manages files by page. Each page = Number of previews).
- Click this gauge to move to a particular page.

3°) Previews Move Previews position can be changed using these controls :
From Left to Right : Reload from start / Play or Pause / Play one frame / Global position (click to move all previews) / Rewind / FastForward.

4°) Big Display Move : These controls only affect Big Displayed previews position.
5°) Previews Speed : Changes previews speed.
6°) Big Display Speed : Changes Big display speed.
7°) Move to page... : Decrease or increase page number.
8°) Scan : Once you seleted sources directories, click this button to start.
9°) Refresh drive list : Refresh drives list (if for example you just added a USB key...).
10°) History of scans you already made (see this post).
11°) Default Big Display Ratio : Sets Big Display to a specific size. Not that moving vertical bar is another way to resize display.
12°) Memory Display : HamMultiPlayer can use a lot of memory, have a look to this gauge to check your memory usage.
13°) Previews volume : This only affects previews, not Big Displayed movie.
14°) Big Display volume : Only affects Big Displayed movie.

Previews Controls:


1°) Swaps between Single and Multiple mode : (Single mode displays one movie over all previews, Multiple mode displays one movie per preview).
2°) Gauge displaying filename and preview position. You can use mouse click or mouse wheel over that control to move current preview position.
3°) Preview number : Clicking this button lets you access current preview "quick options" => See second picture. When your mouse is over, it displayes informations about current file.
4°) Reload from start : Stop current process and reload from start.
5°) Play / Pause current preview.
6°) Rewind.
7°) FastForward.
8°) Created Thumbnails view from current preview.
9°) Swaps to DualView displaying two previews at same time. Ex : Clicking number 5 will display previews 5 and 6 side by side.

When clicking on preview number, you'll access "quick options" :

10°) Click again to exit "Quick options" (return).
11°) Move To : Lets you select destination directory to move current file... Each time you select a new path, it's added to this list... This is a fast way to move file !
12°) Play current preview using an external player (has to be defined en preferences).
13°) Stop process, unload and access current file (opening a windows to locate its position).
14°) Export current file to "Software Export" defined in preferences (this can be any software like : MediaCoder, Vdub or any other converter)...
15°) Delete file. Warning !


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PostPosted: Dec 1st, '16, 18:42 

Joined: Sep 28th, '12, 13:43
Posts: 43
One of the slowest thing in HamMultiPlayer is drives/directories selection before scanning. Many users told me that it was boring to always (re)select paths when starting !
Then i have decided to create a faster way for selection.

History Scans Management lets you "recall" previous scans selections.

First time you start HamMultiPlayer, "History" button is disabled (no history).
Every scan will be saved inside a file called HMP_History.ini (stored in your system inside : %temp%\HAM ). This is a new option of v0.115.
This file will keep Date, time, number of files found and directories found. It is nearly the same thing than your internet explorer history...


Select History on main interface. You should see the following window :


Date: Lines are sorted by date (newer first)
Files : Number of files found.
Paths : Number of available paths / number of scanned paths last time.

1/2 means => 1 path available over 2 found last time. Color is Orange, that means path availability is partial.
0/1 means => 0 path available over 1 found last time. Color is Red, that means path or drive has been removed.
1/1 means => all paths are available. Color is white.

Paths Names : Paths display => Path1 + Path2....

Clear List : Delete History file.
Delete Scan Item : Remove one line from history.
Load selected path : Get paths and add them to treeview.
AutoScan : Will start scanning/loading without waiting.
Cancel : Close this window.

Note :

- Duplicates are removed and only newer is kept (displayed on top of list).
- If you wish to recall an history and adding selection before scanning, uncheck AutoScan.


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